CLM 2024 Annual Conference

April 2-4, 2024

San Francisco, CA



New Kids on the Block: How Young Professionals Can Revitalize the Insurance Defense Industry with Creativity, Vitality, and Fresh Perspectives

April 3, 2024 at 2:00pm-3:00pm PT
Golden Gate Ballroom A, B2 Level
Speaker: Sitar Bhatt
Recent studies on juror attitudes have revealed what has been long suspected: jurors do not view corporations or their counsel kindly. The frequency of outsized verdicts (Nuclear Verdicts®) across the country speaks to this phenomenon, and they happen most often to experienced counsel and claims professionals. Our industry is overdue for revitalization, and young professionals are the ones to do it. This panel will offer their perspectives on what millennial and Gen Z claims professionals and counsel can do to infuse the industry with creativity, fresh perspectives, and vitality while they change the landscape in innovative ways.


Using the Nuclear Verdicts® Defense Methods at Mediation

April 4, 2024 at 10:00am-11:00am PT
Yerba Buena Ballroom 12-13, Lower B2 Level
Speaker: Jennifer Akre
Nuclear Verdicts® are on the rise, but did you know that the proven Nuclear Verdicts defense methods can be used in more than just trial? These groundbreaking methods can be employed in other phases of litigation as well, including mediation, arguably one of the most important stages in the life of a case. Building on last year’s introduction to Nuclear Verdicts, this session will go in-depth into defense methods and show attorneys and claims professionals how they can be used at mediation, why they should be used, and why mediation should be considered a crucial step, not just a step on the way to trial.


Trial and ERAS: Can Taylor Swift Stop Nuclear Verdicts®?

April 4, 2024 at 4:00pm-5:00pm PT
Golden Gate Ballroom B, B2 Level
Speaker: Cayce Lynch
The nationwide proliferation of Nuclear Verdicts should rightfully keep claims professionals and their counsel up at night. This roundtable will explore what lessons can be drawn from Taylor Swift (yes, you read that right) to creatively engage with facts, insureds, and trial strategy to break the Nuclear Verdict pattern and get a good night’s sleep! By exploring what has made Swift one of the biggest and most beloved stars of all time, the panelists will share with attendees specific tools that can be employed to change the way claims are analyzed and trial strategies are developed to avoid Nuclear Verdicts. Specific drivers of Nuclear Verdicts will be dissected to understand the most effective and proactive strategies to stop them before they happen. Practical tips will be offered to guide claims professionals in gathering information their counsel will need to develop a winning strategy. Specifics will include the two-prong approach to arguing pain and suffering (the biggest component of Nuclear Verdicts), how to persuasively and creatively personalize the insured, and collaborative strategies to bridge the gap between carrier and counsel.