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How We Are Stopping Nuclear Verdicts®

The innovative insurtech company, helping insurance carriers identify, manage, and reduce the risk of Nuclear Verdicts®. Using patent-pending AI technology, our software, NaVel™, matches key traits to your files to determine the likelihood your case could go nuclear!

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The “Special Forces” of Tyson & Mendes trial attorneys, supporting clients with high-risk cases that could result in Nuclear Verdicts®. TM HALO® partners have a strong track record of success. They are experienced litigators specializing in various industries and have a reputation for excellence. TM HALO® is called upon by insurance companies and corporations to handle their most complex cases throughout the country.

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July 18 – 21, 2024  |   San Diego, CA


A four-day educational program for experienced defense attorneys. Based on principles of the best-selling book Nuclear Verdicts®: Defending Justice for All, the Nuclear Verdicts Defense Institute teaches proven strategies to prevent Nuclear Verdicts® through presentations and practical activities. This is the chance for defense counsel to learn and practice these methods without clients or plaintiffs’ counsel watching!

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Nuclear Verdicts® News and Insights

Nuclear Verdicts

The Memories We Share Are the Greatest Treasure in Life: Or, Why Noneconomic Damages Are the Biggest Component of Nuclear Verdicts®

It was a cold Monday morning in January. He sat on the stairs and looked at the adjoining living room to his right. He saw an ornament on the floor where the Christmas tree stood a couple of weeks prior. He could still hear the giggling excitement of his kids opening their gifts. He...
2 months ago

Nuclear Verdicts® Tracker

Tyson & Mendes' Nuclear Verdicts® Tracker tracks cases driving the alarming trend in excessively large damages awarded by juries. These cases were defended by other law firms without using Tyson & Mendes' methods. Could the T&M methods have stopped these Nuclear Verdicts®? When applied correctly, YES!

April 19, 2024
Decedent was exposed to asbestos products and got mesothelioma. She died, and her family sued the company which manufactured the products. Jurors awarded $45 million.

April 18, 2024
Decedent was killed in a crash. The other driver pled guilty to misdemeanor vehicular homicide. His family sued. Jurors awarded $28 million.

April 15, 2024
Plaintiff was driving a motorcycle when he got into a crash and was paralyzed. His motorcycle brakes were defective, and the company knew of the defect. Jurors awarded $20 million.

April 15, 2024
Plaintiff was working undercover at a protest. After other officers beat him, he sued. The judge awarded $23.5 million.

April 12, 2024
Decedent smoked for decades. After he died of throat cancer related to his smoking, his family sued, alleging the company intentionally hid the dangers related to smoking. Jurors awarded $34.7 million.

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