Products Liability
Tyson & Mendes defends corporate clients in all types of products liability lawsuits, including negligent design, negligent manufacture, and failure to warn. We represent clients in products liability cases ranging from wrongful death and catastrophic injuries to subrogation claims. We have defended Fortune 500 companies such as Costco, State Farm, Liberty Mutual, Nationwide, USAA, CBRE, American Family, Sprouts Farmers Market, and many others in products liability cases involving manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of a wide array of machinery, medical devices, and other products. We leverage our experience and understanding of our clients’ businesses and products to prepare case- and product-specific litigation strategies to mitigate exposure to corporations whose products are challenged as unsafe.
Cheyenne, Wyoming (June 21, 2022) – Marking a victory for national civil litigation defense firm Tyson & Mendes LLP in a high-profile products liability lawsuit, a Wyoming jury has returned a verdict in favor of Virginia-based Omni Group, a product manufacturer.
Litigation Daily - February 7, 2018
It’s hard to truly revel in winning at trial when your opponent is a horribly burned child.
Law360 - February 5, 2018
A California federal jury has found that Schwab Co. Inc. is not responsible for severe burns sustained by a child while wearing one of its shirts, clearing the clothing manufacturer of all liability after co-defendants Macy’s and Ralph Lauren settled for roughly $860,000.
After a six-week trial, a California state court jury awarded $18.8 million to a 24-year-old man who alleged he developed cancer (mesothelioma) from exposure to asbestos in Johnson & Johnson’s talc-based baby powder...
In Herbal Brands, Inc. v. Photoplaza, Inc., the court considered whether defendant had sufficient minimum contacts for personal jurisdiction in Arizona. Plaintiff, Herbal Brands, Inc. (“Herbal Brands”), is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business in Arizona...
After severing their business relationship, Adidas sought to freeze $75 million in accounts belonging to Yeezy. Yeezy is a shoe and fashion brand created by Kayne West. Yeezy shoes and clothes were manufactured and sold through Adidas...
In deciding Yamashita v. LG Chem, Ltd. the Ninth Circuit has offered guidance as to specific personal jurisdiction in products liability cases in light of the Supreme Court’s own recent decision in Ford Motor Co. v. Montana Eighth Jud. Dist. Ct...